Torino è internazionale

Did you know that... We are invited to speak about our events at torino giovani ... online ... ... Lunedì 25 Ottobre 2021 ore 16,00 ... See you there if you want to join us through meet  Do you like Do you want to collaborate in any way?

zona gialla

Did you know that...We are in a yellow area in Piedmont... ... but pubs are still closed so all our events are cancelled following the directives of the Italian government... See you when the pubs open again or when weather invites us to do picnics  Do you like...

zona arancione

Did you know that...We are in an orange area in Piedmont... ... but pubs are still closed so all our events are cancelled following the directives of the Italian government... See you when the pubs open again or when weather invites us to do picnics  Do you like...

secondo lockdown

Did you know that...We are in a new lockdown in Piedmont... ... so all our events are cancelled following the directives of the Italian government... See you in december, when the lockdown ends  Do you like Do you want to collaborate in any...

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